The 6-week Nutrition & Pilates program built around you

Improve your relationship with food, get better posture and regain energy to live a fulfilled life

Tell me if this is you...

✓ You’re feeling emotionally exhausted and lack energy

✓ Can’t stop eating whenever you’re stressed, bored or tired

✓ Feeling bloated and puffy

✓ Your “round back” causes pain and ruins confidence

✓ You know exactly what to do but sticking with it seems impossible

✓ You’re feeling overwhelmed by all the conflicting information out there and don’t want to waste the time second-guessing about your symptoms


Hi! I’m Tanya

I am a certified Nutrition and Pilates coach, and founder of 8sensesfit.  

A few years ago, I felt tired all the time, was anxious and couldn’t sleep, and started having thyroid and gut issues. I also believed there was only one way to eat and exercise, that is “no gain, no pain”.

I spent many hours learning about nutrition, anatomy, and psychology to find the root cause of my problems. I now help clients around the globe make nutrition and exercise fun, simple and stress-free.

I created Re:vive program to help other busy women, who struggle to prioritize their health because of work, family and moving between countries nourish their body with nutrient-dense foods, exercise in a more mindful way and commit to themselves so that they can live a fulfilled life.

Can you picture this?

✓ You wake up rested and energized

✓ Your sugar and salt cravings are gone, and you’ve reached your healthiest weight

✓ You don’t feel bloated or have digestive issues

✓ Your skin is glowing, and you stopped losing massive chunks of hair when you take shower

✓ You are free from restrictive diets and are not scared of food anymore

✓ You show confidence with your posture and are free from back pain

✓ You feel accomplished, trust your body and love who you are

Support your body and mind with nutrition, movement, and joy to achieve long-lasting results

Most people

Follow random nutrition and training programs

Don’t see results

Drop off

Result: Disappointed and insecure


Discover your real motivation and set realistic goals

Get a 100% personalized nutrition strategy

Enjoy exercise and build self-confidence

Result: Joyful and self-accomplished

Improve your energy levels

Relieve anxiety and stress

Build healthy relationship with food

Get a fresh, toned look

What's included in the program?

  •  Full lifestyle audit, including your health status, exercise history and nutrition (worth $209)
  •  Habits and triggers audit
  •  Posture assessment
  •  Bio-individual program tailored to your body needs, food preferences and goals (worth $497)
  •  3 x 25 min Pilates workouts per week (worth $720)
  •  10 min Pilates sessions you can do at your desk
  •  1 live Pilates session on Sundays for the whole family 
  •  Small community chat for networking, accountability and inspiration (priceless)
  •  1 x week group calls
  •  An individual chat to discuss your challenges and progress
  •  Lifetime access to the program (you asked for it!)


2 group sessions and 1:1 chat with a clinical psychologist and body-oriented therapist from London about self-confidence and overcoming anxiety

What's not included

  • A collection of the “best-ever nutrition and fitness tips” from the Internet
  • A group flood chat
  • Exhaustive workouts to get you shred in 14 days
  • A nutrition coach who only talks about herself

Why you will succeed

The first program built around your lifestyle…

  • Nutrition strategy takes into account your budget and stock in a local store
  • 25 minute workouts that fit into your daily routine

… that meets your nutrition, movement, and soul needs 

  • Individual approach based on biochemistry, anatomy, and psychology

and provides unique support to keep you consistent 

  • Separate 1:1 chats with nutrition coach and psychologist 
  • Beautiful community of like-minded people for networking and inspiration

How it works

Get a full lifestyle audit, including your health status, exercise history and nutrition

Remove hidden stressors, fix your sleep and create a personal support system

Get a bio-individual program tailored to your body needs, food preferences and fitness goals

Stay on track using regular check-ins with your personal trainer, progress reports and habits tracker

Find an accountability partner, share your experience and celebrate results with other community members

An investment for life

$ 379
  • Program start August 21

Frequently Asked Questions

A health audit is essentially a 60-minute 1:1  consultation that’s included in the program (separately worth $209)

I’ll collect and analyze your data based on health & habit questionnaires, 3-day food diary and your posture video to prepare the individual nutrition strategy and provide specific recommendations about posture improvement


90% of my clients live in Europe, the US, and other places, where lab tests require prescription from a healthcare practitioner and cost a fortune if not covered by insurance.

While lab results are important for diagnostics, they’re not a single source of truth. Health issue symptoms, food diaries and medical history are all used to discover the root causes of the problem.

This the reason I’ve included a 1:1 consultation into the program – to perform the deep analysis of your situation and don’t require a full lab panel prior to consultation.

In some cases, I may suggest checking specific markers after the initial consult.

Most clients can provide their lab test results within the last 1-2 years, and we can look into their dynamics together. For many, this conversation also becomes a reason itself to visit the health practitioner they haven’t seen in years.

I will provide a list of recommended products that address your specific nutrient deficiencies + a weekly constructor with meal examples

My goal is to help you learn what foods work best for your body and develop new eating habits so you can feel confident about your food choices in any situation, be it family gatherings, work lunches or road trips

Cooking yourself is the easiest way to enjoy whole foods, stay on budget and reduce stress around food choices

You’ll get a separate guide with meal ideas that take less than 25 min to cook

I’ll provide a full macros breakdown based on your health & fitness goals and discuss the nutrition strategy with you

Calorie counting can help understand how much protein, vitamins and minerals you’re getting from food and restore nutrient deficiencies

For some people, this method can create excess mental pressure, that’s why I always look into eating habits and triggers before giving any recommendation

Nothing fancy, Mat + Chair

All workouts can be done at home, gym, or hotel

Yes, absolutely! You’ll receive all recordings and have a lifetime access to program materials

First of all – great job, girl! Learning more about nutrition is something we should all be doing.

There are 3 areas you can benefit from by attending the program

1.You have a specific issue you’d like to solve, e.g. low energy, bloating, skin problems

2.You don’t want to second-guess and waste time doing all the “right” things and not seeing results

3.You know exactly what to do, but sticking with it seems impossible

This program is a long-term investment into your yourself that will equip you with the knowledge you’ll be able to apply throughout your life

You might not have an eating disorder and still

⁃feel guilty after having a dessert

⁃stress about your food choices

⁃use food to comfort yourself

You might also have a healthy relationship with food, but lack consistency when it comes to exercise, feel hard about spending time and money on yourself or lack confidence about your body.

There’s always a bigger why behind our actions and feelings, and it’s deeply personal.

Any transformation requires time and can feel particularly painful, since we have to leave behind a part of our identity

It also requires support and patience to work long-term.

I know you’re strong. But I also know that you don’t have to go through it alone

Here are some of the things you can get from working with the psychologist during the program:

⁃discover your real needs and feelings

⁃restore contact with your body

⁃build awareness around food choices

⁃become more confident, own your achievements and live a fulfilled life

It’s a unique chance to work with a specialist who posses a deep knowledge of neuroscience, clinical psychology and the most progressive body-oriented techniques individually at almost zero cost.

Only 10 spots are available this time

Step 1. Follow the “Enroll” link to contact me and ask any questions about the program 

Step 2. Complete the payment

Step 3. Receive a welcome email with health questionnaires and a link to book a 1:1 consultation with me

Step 4. Install Telegram app so I can add you to the program chanels

Step 5. Get access to the program chanel, 1:1 chats with me and psychologist and group chats 3 days before the program start

Step 6. Connect, ask questions, participate in group calls and weekly Pilates sessions and get results!


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